Sunday, April 11, 2010

Our last day in Auckland

April 11, 2010

Auckland is a beautiful city spread our all around the harbour. The Europeans settled here around the 1840’s where they easily took it from the Maori tribes who had decimated themselves fighting for control of the area. It is a city built on volcanoes, the most recent one being an island cone not far from the city center that erupted only 600 years ago. Because it is spread out (sprawled) the city core is easy walking although hilly however you really need to take the transit system or cab to get to many of the sites. We rode the shark bus over to Kelly Tarlton’s; an aquarium and Antarctic adventure centre. The fish were mostly local to the NZ area and the recreation of Scott’s camp was great. The penguin enclosure was wonderful (we went twice) and the nesting King Penguins feeding the puffy fat penguin teenagers were the hit. We headed back downtown early afternoon for lunch and some shopping up Queen Street. Through Albert’s park and the University of New Zealand (lovely old buildings and gardens) then back to our apartment to freshen up for supper. We dined at The Harbourside in the old Ferry building looking out over the Quay. This was our last blow out meal of the trip and we sat outside and dined under the stars. Tomorrow we face the 24 hour slog back home, but I think we are ready. This may be the last entry for the blog – so cheers mates, Kia Ora!

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