Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Day 9 - On the Road again...

Day 9, July 12, 2013:

Well, I had my one and only shot at driving in England as we headed out early this morning to pick up our rental van at the airport.  A diesel GM – 7 seater, enough for us all to fit in for our exodus to Scotland.  By the time we returned to Glen Iris, packed, emptied the refrigerator and jammed it all into the van it was late morning.  Martin very kindly offered to be the chauffeur (thank god, because I probably would have had a heart attack or killed someone from driving on the left instead of the right) and off we went!  We actually only travelled as far as Manchester that day where we spent the afternoon and night with Angela and Martin Losse, Angela is Pauline’s sister.  We were given the royal treatment, stuffed with good food and treated to excellent company and conversation.  I got to visit a local elementary school where Eleanor Losse is an Deputy Head.  It was really interesting to see how much is different between the Canadian and U. K. education systems.  I could have stayed for hours and asked a million questions – perhaps I need to organize a transfer and teach over here for a year, I could learn a great deal.  Anyways, another good feed in the garden, a walk around the Edwardian neighborhood and bed.  Tomorrow – Scotland!

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