Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Day 18 - Sunny days ... and the livin' is easy!

Sunny and hot in South England so like lizards on a rock we kind of lazed around.  We did get out in the afternoon for a walk around the block (a farmers block that is) – what is it they say – mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the noonday sun.  Anyways this led us to the local Woodside Animal Park, where we had taken the boys when they were very young about 14 years ago.  It is still fun to feed a lama, scratch a goat between the horns and play goofy golf!  We visited Zaboomafoo (the leaping lemur) and cooed over the new born baby alpaca – kind of like a big furry brown Bambi, then headed back to Glen Iris for a lovely roast dinner outside in the garden.  Tomorrow it is in to Londinium – old London Town.

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