Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The last of Cairns

March 17, 2010

Today was time for a bit of a down day. We parked the boys around the pool with the computer and two hours of internet time and M. R. and I headed across town to the botanical gardens. These are beautiful, started back in the late 1800’s and filled with rare and amazing plants. From giant two story high ferns to orchids and flowering plants of all kinds this was really worth the walk. Also in the gardens is the arts centre called ‘The Tanks’ – a series of huge old water tanks that have been renovated inside to art galleries and a stage. On the way back we had to pick up a few giant prawns for lunch by the pool. We spent the afternoon in downtown Cairns poking around, buying a few souvenirs and swimming in the lagoon a huge artificial pool of sea water with decks and board walk along one side and a sandy beach along the other – sheer bliss! Footsore and tired out Mary Rose stopped into the night market for a Chinese Massage while Connor shopped and Duncan and I strolled the Muddies and went to the brilliant playground they have along the water’s edge. Tomorrow it is off to Sydney for the last stage of the Australian adventure.

1 comment:

  1. Hey guys! I finally made it through your blog. I'm extremely jealous. Wish I was there. I've spent the last four days feeding hoards of Daigles, cleaning up, and feeding hoards of Daigles again...Just went grocery shopping again and my suburban breaks failed. Great.

    Can't you post any pictures on this blog? I'd love to see some. From Jennifer.
